Frank and his team at Larbre always come through with top notch service. I trust them for my vehicle’s needs. Thank you Larbre Automotive!


does what they say they'll do, when they say they'll do it! Every time!


Very honest and accommodating.


Friendly, professional service. Clear and efficient communication about estimate and work required. Great location for locals in Sonoma . Clean large service area made me feel like my car would be in safe hands. Larbre will be my go to from now on - thanks!


First time in shop. Great experience. Will be back


Frank and his team did an amazing job diagnosing the issues with my old foreign sports car, and although the amount of work was overwhelming, Frank was always calm, cool and collected, and frankly fun. He knows what’s he doing and he’s really thorough. Much respect!


Frank is the best Service Manager in the business. Mike Larbre clearly runs the best automotive service facility in Sonoma. It is always a pleasure to work with them and the service is impeccable.


I have returned to Mike Larbre Automotive with another car as my previous experience was always a pleasure. Sure enough, the service and friendliness of staff is as good if not better. I trust this company with my car and they in turn treat me like family. This company represents the best of our community..


1st time there. Met Frank for the 1st time. Frank and the staff were professional and you could see they were dedicated to their profession. The shop was clean & neat. Will be a regular customer.


Frank’s a stand-up guy and always a pleasure to be served by. Larbre continues o hold our confidence.